This week Miro questions reality and talks about some amazing offers to make lots of money if he just gives people lots of money.
For the social butterfly, lockdown isolation is a waking nightmare. Introverts everywhere are celebrating the perpetual excuse to not go outside or talk to people! Where do you fall on the spectrum? for more episodes:
Now is the best time to focus on ourselves and when we get out of the house, what will that look like for you? Here's what Miro has to say.
Ten ways to help during the Coronavirus (COVID-19 Quarantine Edition). 1 - Donate money to charities, especially smaller ones without as many corporate sponsors 2 - Contact local charities* to volunteer (blood, food and supply shortages) - virtual volunteering 3 - Be mindful of how much you buy - there are others out there that might need it more 4 - Seek out seniors that you can deliver food to 5 - Buy takeout/delivery or gift cards from local bars and restaurants 6 - Check-in on people you know like neighbors and friends, especially, elderly 7 - Practice social distancing to prevent the possible spread 8 - Wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds 9 - Care for yourself - you can spread unknowingly and you cannot care for others if you are sick 10 - Spread some love and positivity!! *(FeedingAmerica, Meals on wheels, American Red Cross, food banks)
Miro is on location at Podfest 2020 in Orlando, Florida giving the play by play. Don't miss the continuing coverage!
In this episode, Miro is about to get on a plane to Seattle to get away for a few days with the fiance. Good idea? Find out next week.
In this episode, Miro gives his checklist for conducting a podcast interview. 1 Ask guest for an updated bio - you don't want to talk about things irrelevant 2 Check if they have a website and read bio section 3 Social media stalking - add them, read up on them 4 See if they run a podcast/YouTube channel and listen to their episodes 5 See if they appeared on any podcasts/YouTube shows and listen to their episodes 6 Google them for recent news and publications 7 Listen to past interviews and capitalize on missed opportunities and questions 8 Look good if doing video, test lighting, do voice checks, talk out loud, take a walk to get the blood flowing 9 BE ON TIME 10 Be real and ask genuine questions.
In this episode, Miro breaks down Yelp for Business with 5 pros & 5 cons. Pros: 1 - It helps with your SEO for Google 2 - You can optimize your page to get ranked higher and have a dedicated account rep 3 - There is a very loyal following out there that specifically only use businesses ranked high on Yelp 4 - If you have an actual site/location and can use the "Check In" feature - take advantage of the offers and possible reviews 5 - It is FREE 99 - be sure to claim you business as it is linked to other websites/search engines Cons: 1 - The pay per click Ad platform might not be best for slow times and for newer businesses 2 - The algorithm in place for "hiding" reviews is a tough one to beat - DO NOT ASK FOR REVIEWS (not as fair for service companies with no physical location) 3 - Not the cheapest - can't just do $10-$20 promotions like on some platforms 4 - You get a constant salesperson calling/emailing you to try to get you to pay for more Ads 5 - There are other options out there Let us know about your experience with Yelp, was it right for you? For more episodes:
In this episode, Miro lays out ten ways to help you to grow your business. 1 Call a friend, family members, former colleagues 2 Social media (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, Twitter, YouTube) - Free free free 3 Yelp, HomeAdvisor, Angie's list, other usually paid platforms 4 Gorilla marketing - flyers, yard signs, brochures, stickers 5 Tchotchkes (Chachkies) - magnets, pens, mints, stress balls, chap stick 6 Website - SEO, Adwords, funnels, lead magnets 7 Local Chambers & Networking groups - BNI (Business Network International), Facebook, MeetUps, charity events 8 Collaborate with other businesses and communities 9 Present about your business, host events, sponsor booths/tables/events 10 Give away products/services and provide coupons - GIVE VALUE! For more episodes: For more info on PodRiver
In this episodes, Miro talks lays out his list of tips for navigating networking events. Not all events are created equal.
Want to speak with us? Let's set up a talk.